Cake and Celebration!

Hello, everyone!

It has been a very long time since I have last seen the WordPress editor, and the thought of writing this short and significant post excites me more than it should. However, it is that day, once again! Another birthday, if blogs deserve such celebration. While its namesake goes back further, stadarooni is now two years old! In another fourteen years, it might be able to drive, but we wouldn’t want that.

Unlike last time, where I simply exclaimed the blog’s ‘birthday’ and carried along, I want to talk a bit about some cool things that have happened since I last posted in December. I can assure you that I have kept a watchful eye on the blog and in the absence of posts, there has still been quite a bit of activity!

In 2018, so far, the blog has performed very well in terms of views. March was the blog’s third-most-viewed month as of yet, and many more international (outside of Canada) views have been coming in as well. To all of you, thank you! I am very happy to see that the blog shows up on Google search results, and your views are definitely appreciated. This year, the five countries that the blog has received the most views from are the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Lebanon, and the United Arab Emirates, so far! However, all of you are awesome for checking everything out regardless of where you are from or if you all view the same post.

I wanted to make longer posts last year, and that plan did not work out as well as I expected it to. However, I do plan to post either once or twice over the course of the summer months. I will give an estimated time of late-June for the next post, although I will give no hints to what it will pertain to. If you want some vague hints, make sure you check out the blog’s Instagram account and even follow it, if you want to!

I have been writing poems and ‘poetic prose’ in my spare time, although I have not posted any of it on my blog. I was going to back in early March, but I decided that I would not waste time with a shorter piece. However, I will give you a little sample now! This is the first piece of creative writing following a very long break. Enjoy!


I love conveyer-belt people.

They remind me of the sky.

Blue sky summer, your joy twirls and swirls: why must you go away? You smile at my camera and embrace its eyes even when it dies. Aesthetic, picturesque, beautiful – where did you get such nice words? Wait; they are dead. I can’t see anything. Language is dead. You melt concrete into a freeform cacophony of euphemism, and now I smell the ashes. But concrete lacks ashes. You swirl and twirl and swirl and twirl; burn and learn and blaze. And language is everything.

Ice cream only tastes sweet in the fire. Doesn’t it feel nice?

That’s one off the belt. But you get the point.

Grey skies; weeping skies; crimson skies; skies cackling in the wind. They’re above and below: there’s only so much dirt. More importantly, they’re made for us.

It’s like we get deadlocked into something that doesn’t exist.

I guess conveyer-belt people aren’t like the sky; I lied. The sky makes sense.


With that, I encourage you to explore the blog a little and see if there are any pieces that you like! I cannot bear to go back and read my old writing most of the time, but I hope you enjoy what’s on here, regardless. Here’s to many future posts and prosperity!

Also, I invite you all to some cake. Ask me in the comments, and you shall receive.

Take care, all! 🙂

(Lastly, photo credits to my brother! And it’s also my sister’s birthday today!)

4 Replies to “Cake and Celebration!”

  1. Congratulations! Happy birthday to your blog and to your sister! I believe blogs age differently than people, and so I hope yours take off soon from the runway and fly to the sky and reach greater heights. Some days it can drive too if it wishes too. 🙂
    And about ‘conveyor-belt people’ post, I loved it, I read it many times but I am not sure I got a proper grasp of your meaning behind it. Shall wait to hear others’ and your comments on it.
    Take care and always wish you the best!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much for the comment! That conveyer-belt people piece is my favourite from what I’ve written in the past few months, but I will wait as well. Out of curiosity, what do you think it means?

      Thank you once again, and you take care as well! I’ll also pass your wishes to my sister. 🙂


      1. Okay, don’t hit your head to a wall after reading my interpretation of ‘conveyor-belt people’, actually, it may be my own idea of it independent of your post. Let me know if we match anywhere or not! Okay?
        So, conveyor-belt is a metaphor for life. Life that keeps moving on and keeps bringing stuff (stuff as in people, material, and opportunities) on it for us to either pick or let go, wait for something better to show up which it may not bring again, and we may regret not picking what had appeared earlier, or if one is lucky more interesting things may keep turning up.
        In that sense ‘conveyor-belt people’ could either be ‘US’ (as in you and me or her and him or them) or ‘conveyor-belt people’ could actually just be ‘other people’ (excluding oneself), how they come in our lives and leave, they don’t stay forever, they are not supposed to stay forever, yet we get attached to them and end up feeling as if our lives depended on them and wouldn’t move forward in their absence.
        And now that I am done writing it, I feel I totally ruined your piece with my perspective on it. And I may have gotten lost in my own thoughts as well. Hehe! Sorry! 🙂
        P.S. Have you really attached a picture to this blog post? I don’t see any. Thanks!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I won’t comment on your interpretation, but it is certainly in relation to what I had in mind while writing this short piece. You didn’t ruin anything, as your perspective is very interesting and adds a dimension that I did not consider. So, thank you for that!

        And the image is the painting in the header. 🙂


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